A Zebra Can’t Change Its Stripes

Aaron Smith-Levin can take down a video but he can’t erase his legacy of hate.

Aaron Smith-Levin—a fitting guest for antisemite Rick Wiles

It took Aaron Smith-Levin nearly two years to take down his promotional video touting his appearance on a show known for its antisemitic and racist content.

“Today I want to show you some clips of an interview I did a few days ago with an organization called TruNews,” Smith-Levin proudly announced in the since-removed video teasing his October 2021 interview with notorious antisemite, racist and homophobe Rick Wiles. Wiles’ dangerous rhetoric includes “Our culture has been decimated…by the synagogue of Satan” and exhortations to “round up the Muslims and ship them out of this country.”

Smith-Levin’s removal of the video is a revisionist effort that comes too late—it took him until August 2023 to be shamed to do it—and does nothing to redeem his bigoted nature, which he exercises daily against the Church of Scientology and Scientologists. Factually, TruNews is a fitting platform for his hate-filled content.

“It got so bad between making jokes about the Polish and the Jews…just hurling these racial things at each other. My dad would be like, ‘What are you guys, bigots?’” — AARON SMITH-LEVIN, APRIL 2023

Two statements Aaron Smith-Levin made five years apart add context and provide insight into his true nature.

Speaking of himself in an April 2023 video, Smith-Levin boasted that, in grade school he spewed an unending stream of racist and antisemitic jokes: “My kids don’t come home and tell racial or ethnic jokes from school. That’s all we told in school. I mean, it got so bad between making jokes about the Polish and the Jews….”

Smith-Levin and his brother’s contempt was so blatant their father was shocked: “When me and my brother [sic] would go visit our dad in the summers, we’d be, like, just hurling these racial things at each other. My dad would be like, ‘What are you guys, bigots?’”

This 2023 statement by Smith-Levin about his school years only takes on its full significance when correlated with a pronouncement he made five years earlier. Smith-Levin was undoubtedly talking about himself when he said in December 2017: “I don’t think you can take a racist seven-year-old white man and change his mind,” he said. “You can get him to act, pretend like his mind has been changed, but you can’t—I’m not convinced you can really change that person’s heart.”

Smith-Levin would know.

Despite his late attempt to obfuscate his racist, antisemitic and bigoted hatreds, Smith-Levin hasn’t changed. And he knows he never will.