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Colleague Recounts Aaron Smith-Levin’s Misconduct and His Attack on a Woman

Ben, a former colleague, recalls Aaron Smith-Levin’s threatening demeanor, disruptive conduct, and his attack on a female executive in his Church.


Let me just kind of summarize Aaron Smith-Levin like this: He was, you know, this disruptive, angry, antagonistic, bullying guy. But really, to me, that was just kind of like a cover for his very, like, weak and pathetic nature. And, you know, he was just obviously a person who feels like they can’t really do anything effective.

He was kind of useless to have around. Like, he didn’t really produce much of anything except for a dangerous environment. You know, a threatening—he was just this threatening guy who just went around and tried to bully people.

And the first thing I think of is a specific incident that happened where there was about—myself and about fifteen other staff members meeting with our most senior executive in our Church. And she was a very upstanding, somewhat elderly, like about 65, 70 years old, African-American woman. And she was having this meeting with us and he—he barged into the office, interrupting the meeting. So she asked that he, you know, not do that and that he leave and stuff. And he insisted on coming in there—he had to get something from the office—and he just insisted on going in there and just fully, you know, disrespecting anything she had to say. And just basically got into—he, like, violently attacked her. And we had to actually—like every—every male in that office had to jump on him and bring him out. And he’s actually a very, like, I mean he’s a big guy. So it was very, very disruptive. I mean, it was like, tables and chairs and, you know, like it was just—it was pretty crazy. So yeah, that was kind of like how he is pretty much with anything, you know. The slightest thing just sets him off and he just goes totally nuts.

So, you know, he was—he was treated with dignity despite all of his shortcomings. And he was—a lot of help was granted him, a lot of attempts were made to help him with his situations and stuff. But he’s just been like that the whole time—just angry, antagonistic and violent. That’s just been how he’s been.