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Mother-in-Law Speaks Out on Aaron Smith-Levin’s Damage to Her Family

Aaron Smith-Levin’s mother-in-law, Anne, recounts his volatile character and mistreatment of his own family, including his children.


My name is Anne Tozser. I am the mother of Heather Smith-Levin who is married to Aaron Smith-Levin.

They went to New York and my husband was working on a property. And they came out and he was—he and Heather were helping Imre [husband] on the property. And it was just helping—Imre was helping them get back on their feet.

There were several instances when Imre was telling Aaron an area he could work and help him with and Aaron was getting confused or he was—somehow he didn’t—I don’t know what his excuse was, but he blew up right in Imre’s face and yelled at him. And Imre just goes, like, “Whoa! What? What? I’m just talking to you. This is all we’re trying to do is—this is communicating what we’re going to be doing here.” And he’s blowing up in his face. Then he comes back later with his smug smile and, “Oh,” shakes his hand, “Oh, I’m sorry.” But this happened a few times this blowing up, right in—right in Imre’s face, like that.

Then, they came down to Clearwater. They were living with us for a short period of time while Heather had the first child. And there were some instances when Aaron had left the kitchen messy and so Imre just said, “Could you please—would you mind, just put your stuff away when you’re done, put your dishes away.” And he blew up in Imre’s face at that; just right in Imre’s face. And then my daughter was talk—was there, Katarina was there. And she’s like, “Aaron you don’t need to get in Dad’s face. You don’t need to do that.” And then he got in Katarina’s face, yelling at her and like, “You have no right to interfere in this communication cycle.” So we could see there, there were just a few instances of like his—he would snap, you don’t know what he’s going to snap at.

There was one time, he—his two little girls, he had two at the time, I think just two at the time—where something was happening with them and he picked the older daughter up and flipped her over and pulled her—held her up like this and spanked, spanked her just like, with as much force as he could, spanked. And I just held my breath. I’m like, “My god, this poor child, is just....” So at that point I said to Heather, I said, “Aaron cannot act like this in my home. I don’t want him acting like this in my home anymore. This is not acceptable to me.”

And when they were living with us and when they would come over—they would come over for breakfast, we had Sunday breakfast—it felt like she was on eggshells, the children were on eggshells because they never knew what they might say that he would snap. He would just start yelling and get in their face. So he’s a volatile character. He’s very—he’s not the kind-hearted guy that he comes across as trying to be this sweet, sweet innocent and the victim of circumstances. No. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

And it hurts because we have three beautiful grandchildren that are absolutely beautiful children. And he is—his actions have torn us apart. They’ve just torn the family apart.